Sun Woo P. Kim

Sun Woo P. Kim

Hello, my name is Sun Woo, a PhD candidate working in theoretical condensed matter physics, co-supervised by Dr. Curt von Keyserlingk of King’s College London and Prof. Austen Lamacraft of Cambridge University.

I served Republic of Korea’s national service as a ‘Skilled Industry Personnel’, at a medical startup AIRS Medical, where I developed novel machine-learning algorithms for MRI reconstruction and ultrasound vein detection combining MRI Physics, Compressed Sensing, and recent deep learning techniques. I was discharged on November 2021 and continued to work there until April 2023.

During my service, I also did part-time research at Max Planck Institute of Complex Systems (mostly remotely) with Prof. Markus Heyl and Dr. Giuseppe de Tomasi on developing efficient ways of studying the dynamics of bosonic systems in the Many-Body Localized (MBL) regime.

I completed the Masters of Advanced Studies in Physics at Cambridge University in 2019, and a Bachelors of Science in Physics with Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London in 2018. Please check my CV and Projects page for more details. My Google Scholar can be found here, and my Twitter here.

If you would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact me at swk34 [at] cantab [dot] ac [dot] uk.